A new build is out!

A new Build is out! 

Nearly a year later I've produced another build for all of you to try out. It's direction and focus is quite different from the previous one but I feel it was a major improvement. 

This new build features silly platforming, chain-reaction destruction, improved graphical features and settings, better controls and a giant spinning tower. 

The entire cycle and process that lead up to this moment was nothing short of insane as I plunged myself into hell to figure out what was going on with this project while also dealing with my increasingly complicated life. Nevertheless, I will not give up on making this dream a reality and making something special.

Many sleepless nights, bad decisions, good decisions, professional wall-staring and the occasional total code rewrite has lead to this prototype being not only made but cleaned up, bundled up and sent away for you, my delightful players to experience.

Disclaimer :

If you've reached the top of the tower, you've probably witnessed a massive explosion that felt like a PS3 game or a GMOD explosion...

Fear not, the actual game will not have an explosion that large and bunched up on purpose, I was simply seeing how much I could get away with on a mid range PC. If the full game has a similar explosion, it will not run like that. I'm not interested in baking it, so the optimizations are going to have to get significantly better before that happens. But for now, marvel at your reward, your...5 fps of pure chaotic booming.


Null Faint Phantomra Physics Demo2.zip 241 MB
Jul 31, 2022

Get Null Faint Phantomra Early Concept Build v2

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